NFM: N-Force Momentum LLC
NFM: N-Force Momentum LLC
Mental Health, Life Coaching, Consulting.
Dispute Resolution Services.
"Let's make your dreams a reality"

Call Today
Schedule a 10-15 min consultation.
N-FORCE MOMENTUM lands a feature spotlight in the MLK parade on channel 39 with harmonious voices. Gracie of (Gracie's Corner), Simone Gore, Dylan Jakobs, K Jazz, Quintin Taylor, and Stafford-Tigar all share the stage on the float "Dream Big".
Fill out this form, print out and either e-fax or email it to nforcemomentum@gmail.com
Teens On The Rise Social Group
Helping to Build Stronger Teens and Families
Sign up today for our teen and family social group sessions starting this September 30th! Once we receive your registration form, you will receive an email with all details related to the sessions. You will be able to select either virtual or in person session that fit your schedule. The quarterly fee is $25 per person, and $35 per family of two or more, which is paid as a quarterly package.
Also! find out how you can get a discount on enrichment programs once signed up for the social group sessions.